The Supernatural Quotes in The Golem and the Jinni

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Stories abounded about Schaalman, all slightly different: that […] he'd been possessed by a dybbuk and given supernatural powers; and even that he was over a hundred years old and slept with demon-women. (1.7)

A dybbuk, like the golem, is a creature from Jewish folklore. The dybbuk is a spirit that can possess the body of a living being.

Quote #2

"And the hair, and eyes? The fingernails? Are they clay too?"

"No, those are real enough." (1.52—1.53)

We never find out where the Golem's real hair and eyes came from… and we're kind of glad because ew.

Quote #3

A powerful jolt blasted [Arbeely] off his feet. […] There was a naked man lying on the floor of his shop. (2.11, 2.12)

And voila—the Jinni appears. His lore is similar to what you may have already heard about jinnis, or genies, except for the wishes part.