The Hundred-Foot Journey Part 4, Paris: Chapter 20 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Mehtab is waiting for Hassan at home to scold him for not telling her about his success. She has heard from Margaret, who is waiting in the living room with her two sleeping children. Hassan and Margaret speak for a few minutes and she congratulates him personally; she also thanks him for the job, which is going well.
  • Hassan gets a phone call from Zainab, his other sister. She is now married to the son of Uday Joshi (the snobby restaurant owner in Mumbai, who Papa was always jealous of).
  • Zainab and Joshi Jr. have a booming business in Mumbai and are very popular there; they both congratulate Hassan.
  • Hassan has a memory of Papa and him at Zainab's wedding; Papa wanted him to open a Parisian restaurant in India.
  • Margaret and Mehtab are planning a party for Hassan and trying to get the guest list together.
  • Hassan goes into his office where Margaret has placed the newspaper headlining his success. He cuts out the article and places it on his wall.