Suffering Quotes in The Kill Order

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

A real smile. Something that was finally becoming a little more commonplace after the year of death and terror that had chased them… (1.9)

These people have gone through so much that even a smile—yes, a smile—is a rare occurrence. Imagine that. A smile.

Quote #2

The truth was kind of depressing—even to joke about—and a dark cloud was forming over his head. (2.6)

Sometimes a good way to get over sadness caused by suffering is to joke about it, but obviously this doesn't exactly work with Mark. In fact, it makes him feel sick to his stomach.

Quote #3

After the year he'd just been through, he'd been taught many times over to never get his hopes up. (3.10)

Sound like someone we know? That's right, this is an exact thought that Thomas has as he's going through the trials.