The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) Chapter 37 Summary

What's the Point?

  • Todd is in quite a state. He and Viola go on running, but he can't stand how cruel life is.
  • Viola tells him to pull it together—he may be feeling sorry for himself, but she lost both her parents recently, and now he's all that she has left in the world.
  • This really hits him. He looks at her and lets the idea sink in, remembering when he first met her.
  • He asks her if she believes that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. She doesn't, but she's going to keep going anyway.
  • They keep running. After a while they stop for a drink in a stream, chatting about the friends they used to have, or in Todd's case, the lack thereof. All the other boys in Prentisstown stopped talking to him when they came of age.
  • They keep running, and after a while, they reach an empty settlement and ransack the general store for food.
  • After they wander through the empty town, they sit in an overturned grain cart and watch the sunrise. Todd's starting to feel this ridiculous way around Viola—so many emotions that he just doesn't get.
  • He realizes that once they get to Haven, they'll be in a huge city and it won't just be the two of them anymore.
  • Viola doesn't give any hint that she hears his Noise, and they open up his mother's book to read.