The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) Chapter 39 Summary

The Falls

  • When the sun comes up, Todd and Viola realize that the valley they're in is loud with rapids. Looking downriver, they see the horizon line disappears—meaning that there are more rapids they'll have to get through.
  • Todd thinks that there has to be a road to get around it, but Viola (the practical one) points out that there must be a city at the bottom. It's the ideal place for an original settlement: Haven.
  • They start running for the rapids, encouraged by how close they are. Todd sees Viola running ahead and he is encouraged to go on, thinking of hope.
  • They stop quickly at the top of the rapids, which are huge, and sure enough, at the bottom is Haven.
  • They take Viola's binoculars and take a look: They can see that it looks like they're preparing for some kind of fight.
  • As they climb to get a better look, Todd feels calm, even though he's sad for all of his friends who haven't made it.
  • Looking closer, they can see the huge army also marching toward the city. But luckily it looks like they're still far away, so they'll be able to beat them.
  • Todd and Viola hug in happiness and look out over the city of Haven. But then they see something horrible coming down the river: Aaron.