The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) Characters

Meet the Cast

Todd Hewitt

So let's face it: As far as heroes go, Todd is on the cranky end of the spectrum. He's not a jerk or anything, but we definitely would not want to get stuck in a broken elevator with him, or be aro...

Viola Eade

Viola is a shooting star that falls into the New World from a different planet. No, seriously—that analogy isn't so far off. She's a settler from the Old World, come to New World for a fresh star...


Aaron is this huge, hulking, preacher-gone-wrong version of Bane from The Dark Knight Rises, who just refuses to die. Let us repeat: He will not die. And not because he's immortal—he dies in the...


If Manchee isn't your favorite character by the end of the book, well, then—it's your business, and we'll totally still be your friends, but we also don't really get it. Because it's not like you...


Thank goodness for Ben, Todd's kindly surrogate father. Key word here is kind. Why? Because Ben's from Prentisstown, that's why, and in Prentisstown, kindness makes you pretty exceptional. When Tod...


Cillian is Todd's less-favorite surrogate parent. He and Todd don't get along, and when Todd describes his "face is covered in annoyance and his Noise is buzzy like mad bees and I can already see m...

Mayor Prentiss

Mayor Prentiss is Big Brother. He's the dictator who brainwashes his townspeople (you know, after killing off the real Mayor), and his big idea is his "I AM THE CIRCLE AND THE CIRCLE IS ME" campaig...

David Prentiss, Jr.

Davy Prentiss Jr. is the brat kid of Mayor Prentiss. He's first described as "Mr. Prentiss Jr. The man of the law" (4.42), but what we find out through the course of events is that he's really just...

Minor Characters

HildyHildy's probably the first good thing that happens to Todd and Viola, so it's fitting that she turns up right after their first big victory: burning down the bridge that the Mayor is trying to...