The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) Theme of Language and Communication

So there's this thing called Noise in The Knife of Never Letting Go, and it kind of throws a wrench into the whole idea of communication by making it so everyone can hear everyone else's thoughts all the time. Importantly, Noise is a germ, meaning it's an infection, something that isn't normal to human life, so humans aren't naturally equipped to navigate it well. And because of this, chaos ensues where Noise is involved, and one of the things that gets particularly out of whack is communication. People definitely interact with each other differently here.

Questions About Language and Communication

  1. Is Noise exclusively bad for communication? Are there ways in which it enhances people's ability to communicate? Explain your answer using the text.
  2. How does having Noise affect Todd's communication style? How does his communication shift when he's interacting with someone else with Noise versus with someone who doesn't have it?
  3. Would you classify Noise as a language in itself? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

A key part of Viola's power is her silence.

The most violent thing in this book is Noise because it relentlessly exposes people.