The Lost Weekend Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Lost Weekend.

Quote #1

[While Wick is looking for a typewriter, at Don's behest, Don tries to untie a bottle he had hidden by hanging it from a rope outside of his window]

The opening scene, in which Don struggles to free a bottle he's hung out of the window, perfectly sets the tone for the film. While Don's machinations can be amusing at times, they reveal a deeply conflicted and often manipulative man, so desperate for a fix that he'll do anything to get it.

Quote #2

DON: If we took the later train, then Helen wouldn't have to go by herself. She's got two tickets, hasn't she?

See what we mean? We're hardly ten minutes into the movie and Don is already scheming and manipulating likes he's playing Monopoly. Give it a rest, buddy—you're only making yourself look like a jerk.

Quote #3

DON: Alright, if you don't believe me, take my keys and lock me in like a dog!

HELEN: We've got to trust Don, that's the only way.

Don frequently manipulates Wick and Helen by playing off their guilt. This is a great example of that: Don acts offended by the suggestion that he wants to have a drink in order to—well—have a drink. This sort of emotional manipulation is especially dark given that it's done to the people who love him most.