The Lost Weekend Scene 10 Summary

  • The milkman drops off his wares at Wick's apartment, stepping over a sleeping Helen. She must still be waiting for Don.
  • The landlady approaches Helen. She talks about how much of a drunk Don is before Helen leaves in embarrassment.
  • Meanwhile, Don waits outside the liquor store until it opens. He intimidates the shopkeeper into giving him a bottle of rye whiskey for free.
  • Don returns to his apartment. The phone begins ringing, but he ignores it to focus on his booze.
  • Night falls. Don is sleeping, presumably hammered, when he hears a mouse squealing. He looks up and he sees it crawling out of a hole in his wall.
  • Suddenly, he turns and sees a bat flying in through his window, attacking the mouse until blood runs down the wall. It's pretty nuts.
  • This, presumably, is a hallucination caused by the DTs, which is strange because the DTs are caused by withdrawal from alcohol…and dude just drank a half a bottle. Just chalk this one up to "movie magic," we suppose.
  • He starts screaming. His landlady, hearing the racket, immediately calls Helen and informs her that Don's home.
  • Helen knocks on the door, but it's locked. Don seems to be having a panic attack.
  • The landlady calls for the janitor to bring his keys. Meanwhile, Don crawls towards to door in a desperate attempt to deadbolt it before they can unlock it.
  • Luckily, he fails. Helen enters the room and Don, as usual, begs her to leave.
  • Helen is a little shocked when she turns on the light and sees the state of the apartment. Still, she helps Don to the bedroom.
  • As they walk towards the room, Don begins shrieking about the mouse and the bat, although Helen manages to convince him that it was just a hallucination.
  • Don starts rambling about Nat and "endings" before the screen fades to black.