The Lost Weekend Scene 2 Summary

  • We change to a shot of Don walking into a liquor store, shot from behind the bottles stacked at the register.
  • He asks for two bottles of rye, but the cashier says that Wick won't pay his tab anymore. Don gives him cash and everything seems to be gravy.
  • After acquiring his goods, Don buys a few apples to make his brown paper bag look more legit. Afterwards, in a completely logical move, he enters a bar to buy even more booze.
  • Don jokes around with the bartender, Nat. This must be his regular haunt. Wick has cut off Don's tab here too, but cash is accepted as usual.
  • Nat pours a shot. For a moment, it looks like Don is going to drop a match into the drink, but he chugs it down in a sudden motion.
  • As he tells Nat to keep an eye on the clock so he doesn't miss his train, Don is passed by a young woman who lightly brushes the back of his head.
  • Don proudly shows Nat the two bottles he just bought. He explains that he bought one for Wick to find, easing his mind while Don smuggles the other in Wick's own suitcase.
  • Nat admonishes Don to drink less while pouring him a shot. Because that makes sense.
  • The young woman returns and brushes Don's hair again. Her name is Gloria. She says thing like "natch" and "ridic" and flirts with Don like there's no tomorrow.
  • Strangely, Don is ten times more eloquent when he's drunk. He compares his drunk self to every famous person ever, from Jesse James to William Shakespeare. He even quotes a passage from Antony and Cleopatra.
  • Meanwhile, we cut to Wick's apartment to find Wick and Helen arguing. Wick wants to go ahead and leave for the train, but Helen's convinced that Don will show up.
  • Helen is worried about what could happen to Don over the weekend, but Wick's at his wit's end—his Wick's end?—and he doesn't care what happens to Don anymore. He's made his bed, and it's time for him to lie in in.
  • We return to the bar and find Don's eloquence dissolved, replaced by sloppy nonsense. That's when Nat tells him the time—it's 6:10, five minutes before the train leaves.
  • Don rushes to the apartment building but hides in the back when he hears Wick and Helen descending the stairs. Wick is going ahead with the trip, while Helen has decided to wait in front of the building for Don to come home.
  • Don, in perhaps his shadiest move yet, creeps up the stairs quietly so she doesn't hear him. That's cold, man.
  • He locks the door and searches for a hiding spot for one of the bottles. He settles on a lighting fixture mounted to the roof.
  • Once that's done, he pours himself a drink from the first bottle. Ominous music swells and the camera dives into the shot before fading to black.