Revenge Quotes in The Red Pyramid

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I can't believe Sadie's going to let me have the last word. Our experience together must've really taught her something. Ow, she just hit me. Never mind. (41.1)

Even the way Carter and Sadie interact casually shows how revenge is an everyday dynamic for competitive siblings: he says something offensive, so she hits him. And it goes on and on. Unlike the gods, however, Sadie and Carter seem able to keep their conflicts in perspective. So name-calling and shoving never seems to escalate into things like killing and dismembering. Maybe this is one reason why the magicians don't want to allow the gods to have complete control of the godlings. The gods are a pretty hotheaded, irresponsible bunch.

Quote #8

"What happened?" "Punishment for bearing my children… I disobeyed Ra's wishes, and so he ordered my own father, Shu… to keep us apart, forever. I am exiled to the sky, while my beloved Geb cannot leave the ground." (20.53-58)

Here's another prime example of the gods doling out punishment as a form of vengeance for disobeying orders. We feel for Nut, separated from her beloved for daring to go ahead and have her children. Are Geb and Nut different from Iris and Osiris? They both care about their families, but do they care about them in different ways?

Quote #9

Give me control, Horus urged. We will avenge him. (37.20)

Horus seems to have vengeance on the brain. That, or it's a ploy to get Carter to yield control of his body. Or possibly both.