Sacrifice Quotes in The Red Pyramid

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

My mom had sacrificed herself to save Dad's life. She'd used so much magic, she literally burned up. How could I ever be that brave? Yet I had to try to save Dad. Otherwise I'd feel Mom's sacrifice had been for nothing. (18.102)

Yes, Carter, welcome to survivor's guilt. The person who sacrifices her life doesn't have to stick around and deal with the mess afterward or with the sorrow of grieving. The struggle to find meaning in someone's death is perhaps the hardest part of reconciling your feelings about a sacrifice.

Quote #5

"It seems she sacrificed herself to defeat Sobek. Bast forced him back to the Duat at the expense of her own life force." (31.32)

Bast keeps her promise to Julius Kane to protect his children, and even though she identifies herself as a coward in an earlier conversation, she doesn't hold back anything of herself. We definitely busted out the Kleenex during this part.

Quote #6

Such a spell has depleted her energy, Isis said. She will not be able to work any magic until the pillar is gone. In order to help you, she has left herself completely helpless. (32.153)

Zia's choice to sacrifice her magic abilities for up to half a day shows that she's put her trust in Sadie and Carter. Because while she's got one fierce temper, she's not nearly as dangerous without magic as she is with magic.