The River Between Us Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"If you ask me," Mama murmured, "them two don't add up." (4.26)

What, you don't trust the mysterious girls who just show up on the riverboat one day and move in like it's totally normal for them to relocate from New Orleans to some town in the middle of nowhere? Weird.

Quote #2

We weren't used to talk at the table, and the kitchen rang with hers. She babbled and bubbled like a wellspring, and told nothing. Her accent came and went. (4.45)

If there's one thing Delphine can do, it's talk. And talk and talk and talk. It's a wonder she doesn't give away everything just to give herself something to talk about.

Quote #3

Something happened then. Below the table Calinda's hand seemed to jerk at Delphine's skirts. Delphine fell silent. A warning had passed between them. We all noticed. Well, maybe not Noah. (4.63)

Calinda stays silent as much as Delphine talks. Delphine's always teetering on the edge of telling too much, and Calinda's always pulling her back.