The River Between Us Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

All I knew of Dad's people was that they'd lived through the Civil War. Imagine an age when there were still people around who'd seen U. S. Grant with their own eyes, and men who'd voted for Lincoln. People you could reach out and touch. (1.6)

Dude, we can't even imagine it; it's way too far back. We'll have to use Howard as our guide to these old folks who lived through the Civil War.

Quote #2

The paper was loose and peeling on the walls. I wondered how many layers you'd have to scrape away until you came to the time when these old people were young. If they ever were.

I wondered how quiet you'd have to be to hear the voices of those times. (1.51-52)

This line gives us the shivers. Not only does it make us think these old people are already well on their way to being ghosts, but we bet there's lead and asbestos all up in that peeling paper, too.

Quote #3

Oh, you can't picture how we lived back then. There wasn't but a string latch on the door. And we didn't have a stove of any description. I'd never seen one. We kindled fires with flint and steel and cooked over an open flame in the kitchen. We baked in a Dutch oven set into the bricks beside the hearth. In the winter we lived in this kitchen to keep warm. That's how it was with us. We didn't know any better. (3.4)

Doesn't sound so bad, if you're into camping, but that open flame sounds like it would definitely violate any current fire codes.