The Secret Garden Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Secret Garden? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The snake in the Lennoxes’ bungalow in India wants to:

attack Mary.
befriend Mary.
turn into a prince.
Q. The walled garden at Misselthwaite Manor is locked at the beginning of the novel because:

it contains Archibald Craven’s shocking secret.
it’s physically dangerous for people to enter.
the garden reminds Archibald Craven of his deceased wife.
it will reopen soon as Misselthwaite’s own McDonald’s branch.
Q. Mary finds the key to the Secret Garden door when:

Ben Weatherstaff sneaks it to her.
the robin leads the way.
she uses a giant magnet to search the manor grounds.
she shouts Accio key!
Q. Colin uses the Magic to explain:

how lightning flashes across the sky.
where babies come from.
how Internet memes spread so fast.
how plants sprout, grow, and bloom.
Q. Mary finds a cozy mouse family in:

Colin Craven’s room under a pillow.
a couch cushion in one of Misselthwaite Manor’s many empty rooms.
Dickon’s hands when the two of them first meet.
Disneyland, picking up some extra money acting as Mickey and Minnie Mouse.