The Sky is Everywhere Part 2 / Chapter 26 Summary

  • In a poem, Bailey imagines their mother on a train in Barcelona, on her way to see them; Lennie wakes up feeling slightly less terrible.
  • She tries searching for her mom some more, and she realizes that she always thought Bailey had the same restless gene as their mom.
  • She finds Big on the porch and confesses her theory: that Bailey had the restless gene.
  • Uncle Big doesn't agree, though, and he points out that Bailey was relieved to be rejected from Juilliard. He adds that the person he saw working hard toward a dream was Lennie.
  • Uncle Big says that if anyone had the restless gene, it's Gram, but she just keeps it bottled up.
  • Lennie asks why her mom couldn't just bottle it up, too, and wonders what other families would call what her mother had.
  • Uncle big says it doesn't matter because it's their story to tell.
  • Lennie is awed by this, because she'd never before thought of her life as being open to interpretation.