The Spectacular Now Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It's not so much the idea of marriage," I tell her, "as the concept of forever. That's a concept I just can't get my head around." (39.11)

Aimee—surprise!—is not super thrilled when Sutter says this to her. We get why Sutter struggles with the idea of forever, given that his dad abandoned his family. We don't quite get why a bunch of 17-year-old seem to think they're going to marry their high school sweethearts, but whatevs. (Shmoop thanks our lucky stars that we didn't marry ours, although, truth, we kind of wanted to.)

Quote #5

"But it's going to be different when I get married. I've thought it all out. That's what you have to do. You can't just go into something like that blind." (39.24)

Yessss … you don't want to go into marriage blind. That's true. But, unlike what Aimee seems to think, marriage isn't going to magically solve your relationship problems if you just plan hard enough.

Quote #6

See, I agree with what Cassidy says – once you have sex you'll always be sewn together with an astral thread. (44.15)

Oh boy. Imagine how tangled up Sutter must be. Also notice that it's an astral thread, which conveniently doesn't require Sutter to take on any real-life responsibility towards the girls he sleeps with.