The Spectacular Now Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Cassidy bring something beautiful to me from the outside. Aimee brings something beautiful up from the depths of my insides. (50.95)

Ooh, deep thoughts, Sutterman. This is actually a super-mature, responsible thing to realize—which makes it even more of a bummer when he breaks up with Aimee.

Quote #8

"I mean, if you can't believe anyone loves you, how are you ever going to break through that everything's-oh-so-fabulous front of yours and really commit to somebody?" (56.46)

Answer: he's not. Still, Cassidy knows that he's worthy and capable of love—which means that she really gets him—maybe more than anyone else in the book.

Quote #9

She's drenched and bedraggled, but I've never loved anyone as much as I love her right now. That's how I know I'll have to give her up. (62.47)

After their crazy night in Fort Worth, Aimee's a mess—and it's all Sutter's fault. At least, that's his excuse for breaking up with her, but we're not convinced it's selfless. In our book, the selfless act would be growing up a little and becoming the kind of man she believes he can be.