The Spectacular Now Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Sure," she says. "Thanks." Not even one sarcastic remark about me and beer to go along with it. (31.6)

Aw, isn't that sweet. Cassidy shows Sutter that she loves him by biting down any sarcastic public remarks about his drinking. After all, true love is enabling your ex-boyfriend to destroy his life by protecting his reputation—right?

Quote #5

Now, you'd think everybody would get into the spirit and want to sing along but no. They're like, "Give it up, Sutter. We want to hear Taylor play some real music," and "Aren't you supposed to be in rehab?" (36.33)

What's baffling is that Sutter really expects these kids, who are listening to Christian rock at a quiet private birthday party (which is at a hotel because why?), to want to join in his raunchy song. Really, Sutter? Way to read the situation.

Quote #6

"If you keep at it, maybe you can change her into as big an idiot as you are." (41.19)

Sutter just can't stop with the excuses, not just to Krystal here, but to himself and everyone else. He's not making Aimee into a drunk, oh no. Now, we're no Krystal fans—but we have to admit that she has a point.