The Spectacular Now Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I guess I was always like some of the other guys – I figured you were kind of a joke, but you're not. A long way from it." (43.37)

Once Marcus gets to know Sutter and asks him for help with Cassidy, he concludes he's not bad. Hm. Maybe Sutter shouldn't keep all his relationships so superficial—it seems like people actually like him better once they get to know him.

Quote #8

Okay, so a couple of people call out, "Go home, dumba-," but who cares? The ones who get it are on my side. "Way to go, Sutter," they tell me. (52.27)

Finally, Sutter's realizing that he doesn't exactly have the biggest fan club. Thing is, he still doesn't care. As far as he's concerned, anyone who isn't on his side just "doesn't get it." It's easy to ignore your bad rep if you don't think anyone else's viewpoint is valid.

Quote #9

A couple of people egg me on to climb up on the coffee table and sing some more Dino, and you can be sure it doesn't take much egging. (53.12)

Sutter: "I'm the life of the party! Everyone loves me! Woooooooo!" Everyone: "Hey, let's get the drunk guy to sing and dance for us! Snicker."