Gender Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #1

"Scrub 'em really good… they're a bit funky." (315)

Rick being reunited with his wife basically goes like this: "I'm so glad you're okay. Now do my laundry, woman." Of course, to get out all those zombie-guts stains, she'll need Tide with Bleach Alternative.

Quote #2

"Don't you have some animals to try and shoot?" (316)

If no menfolk had arrived, Lori probably would have just starved.

Quote #3

"I just don't understand why we're the ones doing laundry while they go off and hunt. When things get back to normal I wonder if we'll still be allowed to vote." (328)

Donna thinks it's unfair that the men hunt and the women do the laundry, and she stirs up a huge argument by saying this. While she has a point about the lack of fairness, we doubt the men are trying to take away her voting rights… not that there will ever be anything to vote for again.