Courage Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #1

"Cover me… I'm going to try and make it to that ditch so we can surround him." (4)

Rick decides to not wait for backup, and instead to maneuver around a crazy mind with a shotgun in some sort of pincer maneuver. He's either very courageous or incredibly reckless. There's a fine line between the two.

Quote #2

"What happened here?" (30)

This is one of those "don't go in there!" situations out of a horror movie. If we found a dead body in a hospital, and a boarded-up door, we would not go into the boarded-up room. Again, Rick is either courageous… or stupid. What's the deal with so many horror movies where people notice the bedroom walls oozing blood, or see their daughter in the TV, and don't get out IMMEDIATELY??

Quote #3

"CLANGG!" (83)

This kid Little Duane is pretty brave. If we saw a zombie (or person we thought was a zombie) wandering around, we probably wouldn't be daring enough to sneak up behind it and whack it with a shovel. This kind of behavior probably wasn't typical of Duane in fifth-grade social studies class. Desperate times bring out different things in people. Can you call it courage if it's just instinctual self-preservation, though?