The Walking Dead Theme of Gender

Who would you rely on if zombies attacked? We'd find the person who's been hoarding guns… and hope they don't shoot us instead. But we don't think we'd care if they were male, female, or gender neutral as long as they have badass survival skills. The characters in The Walking Dead are a little different. The men have the strength and resources and they're in charge. When it comes to survival, the women are completely useless, dropping guns and getting in the way. When it comes to laundry, well, the women are a little more useful. To be fair, some stronger female characters appear later on in the series, but in this chapter it's the 1950s all over again.

Questions About Gender

  1. How does The Walking Dead reinforce archaic gender norms?
  2. Does The Walking Dead ever defy generic gender stereotypes?
  3. Does The Walking Dead have a point in its adherence to gender norms? Should women let men protect themselves and the children in times of danger?
  4. Why does Donna object to the men's dominance? Why does Lori think it's okay for the men to take charge while the women do the cleaning?