The Wings of the Dove Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Book.Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"Since I've lived all these years as if I were dead, I shall die, no doubt, as if I were alive." (

Milly feels as if she's lived most of her life playing it safe and not really taking risks. But now that she realizes she's dying, she's determined more than ever to live and to enjoy life to its fullest.

Quote #5

"I can go for a long time […] That will be one of my advantages. I think I could die without its being noticed." (

Milly has a lot of faith in her ability to drag out her illness for a long time. In fact, she's confident that she can drag things out for so long that no one will even notice when she dies, because she'll have been sick for so long.

Quote #6

[She] had been treated—hadn't she?—as if it were in her power to live; and yet one wasn't treated so—was one?—unless it came up, quite as much, that one might die." (

Milly finds it ironic that, for the first time in her life, somebody (Sir Luke) is treating her as if she has the power to truly make her own decisions and to live life the way she wants. But she's only allowed to do this in light of the fact that she's going to die. If she had a future to worry about, there'd still be people hovering over her and judging her decisions.