Fear Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He knew he was an overwatchful, worrisome father and he felt he might relieve Duncan of some of the pressure of fatherly fears if there was another child to absorb some of Garp's excess anxiety. (7.115)

Garp has inherited his mother's penchant for over-parenting, but in trademark fashion, he goes twice as hard and acts twice as crazy.

Quote #2

He suddenly saw Jenny as a potential victim, exposing herself, through other victims, to all the hatred and cruelty and violence in the world. (8.163)

Jenny's sudden fame plays a big part in Garp's fear of violence. After all, there really are people out there who want Jenny dead.

Quote #3

Garp suspected most people to whom his wife and children were drawn; he had an urgent need to protect the few people he loved from what he imagined "everyone else" was like. (9.26)

It's easy to forget that Garp grew up in relative isolation: It's just him and Jenny in the early days. His bizarre behavior around strangers becomes less bizarre when placed in this context.