Literature and Writing Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Writers do not read for fun," Garp would write later, speaking for himself. (3.19)

What a nerd. But Garp holds true to this maxim; we rarely see him name-drop other novelists because he's too busy writing himself.

Quote #2

"If I marry anybody, I'll marry a writer," Helen said. [...]

Garp had been trying to joke; Helen's seriousness made him nervous. (3.107-108)

Like many an artist, Garp is first inspired by the attention of the opposite gender. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Garp turns out to be a natural talent.

Quote #3

Her typewriter never paused for thought; Garp knew that its steady pounding would probably end his career as a writer before he could properly begin, "My mother never knew about the silence of revision," Garp once remarked. (5.35)

While Jenny has tons of interesting content to write about, she doesn't have the much-needed patience to present that content in its best possible form.