Women and Femininity Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She had [...] what her mother called a mannish way of walking [...] and her rum and hips were so slender and hard that, from behind, she resembled a young boy. (1.2)

Jenny has been defying gender expectations all her life, but it isn't an active choice on her part—it's just who she is.

Quote #2

She had dropped out of college when she suspected that the chief purpose of her parents' sending her to Wellesley had been to have her [...] mated to some well-bred man. (1.3)

There was a time when people believed girls should only go to college is to meet a husband. These days, lady students make up the majority of college attendees in the U.S. You go, girls.

Quote #3

One day, Jenny Fields thought, she would like to have a baby—just one. But she wanted [...] nothing whatsoever to do with a man. (1.25)

Despite how it may first appear, Jenny has plenty of traditionally feminine qualities—her passion for motherhood chief among them.