Lust Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He wrote Helen a long confessional letter about his "lust," as he called it—and how it did not compare to his higher feelings for her, as he referred to them. (4.129)

Garp makes a distinction between lust and love (a.k.a. "his higher feelings) at a young age. And with that, the tone is set for Garp relationship-wise going forward.

Quote #2

"I want to know about male lust," Jenny said. "About your lust. She must know something about that." (5.101)

Jenny is clueless about sexuality. We can't help but wonder if Garp would've turned out differently if she felt otherwise.

Quote #3

"I want to know if it degrades her to feel wanted in that way—and then to be had in that way, I suppose—or whether she thinks it only degrades the men?" (5.121)

It's telling that Jenny isn't interested in asking whether lust "degrades" men—she already knows that, silly.