The Year of Billy Miller Part 1, Chapter 5 Summary

  • Okay, so it's time for our head honcho to put his show-Miss-Silver-that-Billy-Miller-is-nice plan into action.
  • Step One: Go hunting for silver. Billy gathers up as many silver items as he can find. Mostly its just coins and paperclips, but he also finds a small silver rabbit on his desk. It had been his mom's and Billy figures it's the perfect piece to impress Ms. S.
  • Step Two: Head to school. Billy and Ned arrive at school just in time to share some mean-spirited teasing with Emma. She mocks Billy for being in the second grade, he calls her hamster—you know how it goes.
  • Step Three: Figure out how to give Ms. S the gift. The whole time they're supposed to be working on drawings of different habitats, Billy is trying to figure out how to give Ms. S all his silver doodads. In the meantime there's more teasing with Emma (go figure), and Billy draws a bat cave for his animal habitat.
  • Step Four: Go for it. When everyone heads out for recess, Billy pretends to be searching for something under his desk, and when he and Ms. Silver are alone, he whips out the silver objects.
  • Step Five: Breathe a sigh of a relief. Yep, Ms. S thinks the silver pieces are pretty cool.
  • So it turns out that this whole mission was a success, because Ms. S tells Billy that she knows he's a nice guy. Now that's a big relief for our main man. Plus she tells Billy to hold onto the rabbit and coins so the whole shebang is a win-win.
  • And it gets even better: When Billy tells Ms. S that he's been worried about being smart enough for second grade because of that nasty lump on his head, she's super reassuring. She says she knows he's a smarty-pants, and that makes Billy feel all warm and gooey inside. Us too.