The Year of Billy Miller Characters

Meet the Cast

Billy Miller

It's easy to see that Billy Miller is the main man in this book. His name is in the title for goodness sake, and we spend every second of the book with him. Seriously, we basically never leave his...


We know Mrs. Miller as Mama, because that's what Billy calls her… you know, because she's his mom. She's married to Mr. Miller (a.k.a. Papa), and she's a high school English teacher, too. Between...


Papa earns the title of World's Greatest Dad in this book. (By the way, we learn that his full name is Cliff Miller, but no one ever calls him that in the book, so we know him as Papa.) Not only is...

Sally "Sal" Miller

Sal might just be the cutest little sister in the history of ever. She's got spunk and style (hello, blueberry-stained face). And she adores her older brother, Billy. What's awesome is that by the...

Ms. Silver

Ms. Silver is Billy's second grade teacher and she's pretty much the best. Seriously, this lady knows how to get Billy learning cool facts, making neat art projects, and feeling more confident all...

Emma Sparks

Oh no, watch out for Emma Sparks. This girl earns an A+ in rudeness and being an all-around know-it-all. And since she's Billy's classmate, he gets to experience her special brand of teasing every...


Gabby is Sal and Billy's babysitter. And she's a pretty great one, too. When Sal is going bonkers because her parents have left, Gabby knows just how to calm her down, and when Billy is frustrated...

Ned Henderson

If you're looking for Billy's best friend, then look no further than Ned Henderson. He's a fellow second-grader who loves running around the playground just as much as our main man. Now here's the...