The Year of Billy Miller Part 3, Chapter 2 Summary

  • It's chow time. Billy, Sal, and Gabby are inside Ruby's Cupboard and ready to eat.
  • During dessert, the gang decides that they should turn their dinner into a mini-celebration, and Billy suggests that they celebrate the Year of the Dragon. The Chinese New Year just happened, and while it was the Year of the Rabbit when Billy started school, now it's the Year of the Dragon.
  • Billy also pulls two dragon-related items out of his pocket:
  • Item One: A pearl. Ms. Silver gave everyone in class a pearl as part of their Chinese New Year celebration. Billy says that the dragon carries the pearl, which shows that the dragon has magic powers so it's extra cool.
  • Item Two: An empty envelope with a dragon stamp. Billy and his classmates get to use the envelope to send a letter to someone special.
  • Both items are neat, and Sal asks Billy if she can have the pearl. Nope, Billy's keeping that one for himself.
  • Gabby, Sal, and Billy celebrate the new year by eating ice cream sundaes and softly roaring like a dragon, which makes Gabby a pretty awesome babysitter. Then they head home.
  • Billy wants some coffee, and Gabby thinks he's just being silly… but we know that Billy has some plans in store.