The Year of Billy Miller Part 4, Chapter 4 Summary

  • Now that the show is coming up, our main man has one big task left: practice his poem. Until he's blue in the face.
  • Since Mama thinks Billy should practice for an audience, but that idea makes him super nervous, they find a solution: Poetry Man. Remember that cello that Papa stuck mannequin arms into? (If you need a refresher, swoop back to Part 2, Chapter 1 and then meet us back here.) Well they dub that dude Poetry Man and he gets to be Billy's special audience.
  • So Billy practices a ton at home, and at school, too. Plus at school he learns that he can memorize his poem if he wants to and that he'll get to practice speaking his poem into the microphone before the big day. The class paints a big sign for the show and Ms. S prints out invitations that the kids get to decorate. They sure are going all-out for this shindig.
  • Overall, things are going well. Sure, Emma is still being annoying as all get-out in class, and because she's been boasting that memorizing a poem makes it better, Billy decides he should memorize his, too. But he's going to keep that tidbit a total secret.
  • When it comes time for the dress rehearsal, Billy is a little bit freaked out by how his voice sounds different in the microphone, so he can't recite the poem from memory. But our guy is just as revved up to perform his memorized poem on the big day no matter what.