The Yearling Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"He marveled at the skill of the knotted hands" (10.76)

Just 'cause someone looks like they can't possibly be good at something, doesn't mean it's true. Penny may look puny, but he's tough and skilled. Appearance doesn't make the man—or the man's hands. (But what's his Flappy Bird score?)

Quote #5

"Why, Doc, I'm a king snake. You know a rattler cain't kill a king snake." (15.35)

Talk about the power of positive thinking: Penny even cured his own snakebite with his backwoods know-how. (Pro tip: in the event of a real snakebite, we highly recommend visiting an emergency room rather than slaughtering a deer.)

Quote #6

"Penny had spent two evenings during the storm in making low-mould shot and in loading his own shells." (20.7)

But … if you spend all evening making bullets, where do you find the time to play GTA5? But seriously: this little detail draws our attention to just how skillful Penny has to be to survive. Not only is he an engineer, farmer, herdsman, and who know what else—he's a bullet-manufacturer. Talk about well-rounded.