The Yearling Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"He was careless always about exposure, doing whatever he wished to do, or what seemed necessary, regardless of the weather and unsparing of himself." (29.1)

Okay, so it's admirable that Penny works so hard for his family, but it might not be so admirable that he's basically killing himself in the process. Think about that next time you try to pull an all-nighter.

Quote #8

"He was up early each day and finished late. He drove himself mercilessly." (30.53)

Penny's will might be strong, but the narrator is making us pretty nervous here: his body just might not be strong enough to do the work that the farm needs. Sometimes, even grit and determination aren't enough.

Quote #9

"I'd do it if I could. I jest cain't stand up—" (32.68)

The Baxters live in world with no retirement funds, no pensions, and no safety net. All they have to rely on is the skill of their own two hands and the strength in their bodies—and cooperative weather. But bodies fail, and weather is—well, let's just say that Florida isn't exactly known for its warm, dry days.