Three Times Lucky Chapter 12 Summary

Stay Away from My Crime Scene

  • Even though Mo is the one who finds the murder weapon, Detective Starr is still pretty put out and insists on driving her back to the café.
  • When they get back to the café, Anna Celeste and her mom are demanding that they get their meals free of charge, obviously blackmailing them with the information about Dale. Ugh.
  • The café is decked out like it's 1930s Paris now because Miss Lana likes to change the theme around. She's even dressed for the part.
  • Detective Starr starts asking Miss Lana where the Colonel is, and she tells Mo to run out back to see if he's out there fishing… even though the Colonel never fishes.
  • He asks some more questions about Mr. Jesse's girlfriend and even demands to know Miss Lana's alibi. Then he offers to give Mo a ride back to Mr. Jesse's, where plenty of people are waiting for their lunches.
  • Miss Lana says that she'll drive Mo herself, though, even though Miss Lana cannot drive. Before he leaves, Detective Starr also says that he'd like to talk to Dale.
  • That's when Mr. Macon—Dale's father—starts yelling at him and saying that Miss Rose threw him out. Good riddance.