Three Times Lucky Theme of Community

The small town of Tupelo Landing in Three Times Lucky is filled with local characters, all of whom interact on a daily basis and gossip like old hens about each other. That's just the way that this small town works. Growing up in Tupelo Landing and working at the café (where everyone goes for their meals), Mo has a strong sense of her community and this place in the world. She may not have seen much beyond Tupelo Landing, but she knows all there is to know about her town and the people in it. And they know all about her, too.

Questions About Community

  1. Why is Mr. Jesse's murder such a shock to everyone in Tupelo Landing? Think about this particular community and the ways it operates to really dig deep into this one.
  2. How do the townspeople react when Detective Starr comes to the café? What patterns do you notice here?
  3. How does the café function as a center of the community? What sorts of nourishment does it provide besides food?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

A bigger town wouldn't have given two figs about Mr. Jesse's murder.

When Detective Joe Starr first comes to Tupelo Landing, he receives a cold welcome from a lot of the townspeople because the community is so tight-knit that it's wary of strangers.