Three Times Lucky Chapter 29 Summary

Dear Upstream Mother

  • The café reopens after two weeks. In that time period, Miss Lana, Dale, and Mo work hard to repair the busted windows, sweep out the hurricane debris, and mend the roof. They also take away the "No Lawyers" sign.
  • In that time period, Miss Rose also officially divorces Mr. Macon and starts her own business, opening the tobacco farm for tours.
  • Instead of racing his car, Lavender sells it for thirty thousand dollars and gives the money to Miss Rose. He likes building cars a lot more than he likes racing.
  • Everyone stops by for the grand reopening of the café, and Detective Starr even shows up with Miss Retzyl.
  • When everyone is gathered, Miss Lana decides to tell them the story of how she and the Colonel came to be here.
  • They met in Charleston twelve years ago and planned to elope. He was a lawyer representing Slate, and he got him off on a light sentence… but as Slate left the courtroom, he told the Colonel to find the loot and save it or he'd kill everyone connected to the case.
  • The next morning, the Colonel found his secretary dead and never forgave himself for getting Slate off easy.
  • He told Miss Lana to pack her bags so that they could go to Paris and start a new life. As he was coming to pick her up, though, he crashed his car and lost his memory… and found Mo.
  • Miss Lana found out where he was a week later and decided to stay with him until he remembered that he loved her.
  • Everyone in the café bursts into cheers and tells Miss Lana that they are glad to have her, the Colonel, and Mo with them.
  • When Mo walks outside later, she sees a bottle bobbing in the creek—she's super excited because she thinks it must be a note from her upstream mother.
  • But when she opens it, she finds that it's just one of her own notes. Instead of feeling disappointed, though, Mo thinks of all the wonderful times she's had with Miss Lana and the Colonel.
  • She's not disappointed at all. She's just happy to be home.