Three Times Lucky Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Only Mr. Jesse hung behind. "Don't see why folks care about a murder a half day from here when they don't give a Fig Newton about my boat," he said, pushing his three dollars across the counter and holding out his hand for change. (2.118)

Leave it to someone as selfish as Mr. Jesse to not care that another human being has been murdered. Instead he's wondering why the police don't concentrate on the real injustice here—the fact that his boat's been stolen.

Quote #2

He shook his head and his lips went tight. "I don't know. The police are wondering the same thing," he said, "not that they have enough sense to figure it out. Never underestimate the idiocy of our criminal justice system, Soldier." (6.13)

The Colonel doesn't have that much faith in the criminal justice system and doesn't think that the police will be that helpful in finding Mr. Jesse's murderer. Instead, he trusts his eleven-year-old kid more.

Quote #3

"Oh for heaven's sake," Miss Lana said, her hands going to her hips. "That house is Rose's, not yours. Her father left it to her. If it wasn't for her good name and good graces, you'd have been locked up years ago. You never gave her anything except a couple of good-looking kids, a mountain of bills, and a heart turned to stone with grief." (12.95)

Miss Lana is usually super nice to people, but she decides to tell Mr. Macon how it is when he complains about Miss Rose kicking him out: He deserves her telling him to leave after all that he's done.