True West Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #1

Lee: Those are the most monotonous f***in' crickets I ever heard in my life. (1.1.148-149)

Ah, the gentle sounds of the suburbs. They also happen to drive Lee absolutely insane.

Quote #2

Austin: You could spend a couple days. See how you like it. I've got an extra room.

Lee: Too cold up there. (174-176)

Lee sees the life that Austin has chosen for himself as absolute confinement. So much so that he drops a ridiculous excuse as to why he won't go stay with Austin just to change the subject.

Quote #3

Lee: They don't yap like that on the desert. They howl. These are city coyotes. (1.2.32-33)

Yep. Even the coyotes are better in the desert.