True West Resources


The Good Shepard

Some of the best info on the play and its playwright can be found right on Shepard's own website.

The Critics Have Spoken

Get a solid overview of what critics and scholars have said about True West on the Theatre Database.


Best of the Best

For many fans of the play, it doesn't get any better than the Sinise/Malkovich version. Check out the video version of that production here.


Observe and Report

This New York Observer review breaks down why sometimes it's best to check out True West twice.


True West in Brazil

Even if you can't follow the language, this is a great look at a very different visual take on the play from a production in Brazil.

Live at the Athena

The team behind a production of True West at the Athena Theatre talks about the challenges and joys of the producing the play.

Budget? We don't need no stinking budget.

Check out the Bare Bones Rep's production of True West.


It's got nothing to do with True West, but it's a crazy awesome movie. Here is Being John Malkovich.


From the Shepard's Mouth

Sam Shepard talks about his life in theater and film with NPR. This guy sounds as cool as he writes.


My, What Big Teeth You Have

The Southern California Coyote is not to be trifled with.

Highway to the Danger Zone

Here is Shepard as Chuck Yeager from The Right Stuff.

How Many Plays?

The cover of Sam Shepard's Seven Plays. A must-have for any theatre kid.