True West Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #1

Lee: That's right. He's not gonna change but I will. I'll just turn myself right inside out. (1.4.206-207)

When we talk transformation, we're usually talking about Austin. This is an important moment for Lee, though. He's talking about really changing his life. He's also, for a rare moment, distancing himself from his father, who is the "He" in Lee's line.

Quote #2

Besides, I always wondered what it would be like to be you. (1.4.236-237)

Each of these guys kind of just wants to be the other. This leads to a lot of the conflict between the two, but it also provides some of the only truly touching moments in the play.

Quote #3

Austin: He thinks we're the same person. (2.7.29)

Some quotes just stand out more than others. This one keeps coming up, because it's huge. While Austin still clings to his "Austinness" at this point in the play, it's becoming clear that he has far more in common with Lee than he might lead on. This line eventually proves to be true as Austin morphs into a man just like Lee.