Tuck Everlasting Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"But they can't stay on in any one place for long, you know. None of us can. People get to wondering." She sighed. "We been in this house about as long as we dare, going on twenty years." (10.10)

What secrets don't come with baggage, really? For the Tucks, this baggage comes in the form of moving around from place to place, never able to make a permanent home.

Quote #5

"I'll take you home. I promised I would, soon's we've explained a bit as to why you got to promise you'll never tell about the spring. That's the only reason we brung you here. We got to make you see why." (11.4)

The only reason the Tucks are still hanging with Winnie is because they need her to promise not to spill the beans about their secret. Not sure that falls under the "true friendship" category.

Quote #6

Was it true? Could they really never die, these Tucks? It had evidently not occurred to them that she might not believe it. They were only concerned that she keep the secret. Well, she did not believe it. It was nonsense. Wasn't it? Well, wasn't it? (14.6)

Because of how removed and observant the narrator is (check out "Tone" for more), Shmoop almost forgot the possibility that the Tucks might be lying about the whole immortality thing. If we had a narrator who just came out and said it—"Um, immortal? Seriously? Prove it."—we might have questioned this earlier.