Tuck Everlasting Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Tucks were right. It was best if no one knew about the spring, including the mosquitoes. She would keep the secret. (17.26)

We may not get any input from the narrator herself, but through the tricky technique of free indirect discourse (check out "Writing Style" for an explanation of why that's not a scary term), we get to hear that at least Winnie believes the Tucks.

Quote #8

But Mae's face was dark red. "Not Winnie!" she said between clenched teeth. "You ain't going to do a thing like that to Winnie. And you ain't going to give out the secret." (19.37)

As much as Mae is concerned about protecting Winnie, she's also concerned about keeping the spring thing under wraps. We could look at that two ways: (1) She wants to continue the lie she and her family have perpetuated for so long, or (2) she's protecting more than just Winnie—she's protecting the world at large.

Quote #9

"I can help! When your mother climbs out the window, I'll climb in and take her place. I can wrap myself up in her blanket, and when the constable looks in, he won't be able to tell the difference. Not in the dark. I can hump up and look a lot bigger. Miles can even put the window back. That would give you time to get away! You'd have at least till morning!" (22.21)

Whoa there, ten-year-old criminal. Winnie is actually the brains behind one of the most deceitful (not to mention) illegal acts in the book.