Uncle Tom's Cabin Chapter 24 Summary

  • St. Clare finally admits that Eva is sick.
  • Marie St. Clare begins to moan and complain about how she is suffering because her daughter isn’t well.
  • St. Clare still has hope, but Marie has already declared the child as good as dead.
  • Eva improves for a short time but her brief recovery proves to be the eye of the storm.
  • Eva and Tom discuss Jesus' love for humanity, and Eva explains that she understands perfectly why Jesus wanted to die for humanity. She, too, would choose to die if it would save others.
  • When St. Clare asks Eva if she is truly better, Eva tells him that the time has almost come when she will be leaving them. She would like to see something done for their servants. If something happens to St. Clare, what will happen to them?
  • St. Clare promises that he will give Tom his freedom as soon as Eva has died.