Walden Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Essay.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[T]he villagers, who scarcely know where it lies, instead of going to the pond to bathe or drink, are thinking to bring its water, which should be as sacred as the Ganges at least, to the village in a pipe, to wash their dishes with! – to earn their Walden by the turning of a cock or drawing of a plug! That devilish Iron Horse […] has mudded the Boiling Spring with his foot (Ponds.25)

With modernization, villagers are also losing touch with nature. Without working with nature using our own bare hands, we can't truly have a deep understanding of it – hands-on learning at its best.

Quote #8

In October I went a-graping to the river meadows […] by the first of September, I had seen two or three maples turned scarlet […] The wasps came by thousands to my lodge in October (House-Warming.1-3)

Thoreau often makes a note of seasonal changes in the area. There's nothing like a New England fall, that's for sure.

Quote #9

One attraction in coming to the woods to live was that I should have the leisure and opportunity to see the spring come in. (Spring.3)

Free of technology, Thoreau can really slow down and appreciate nature.