WALL-E Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from WALL-E.

Quote #7

[After her screen is disabled by WALL-E, Mary looks around in awe.]

All of the humans on the Axiom live with the faces buried in a screen. Sound familiar? When WALL-E turns off Mary's screen, we get the feeling that this might the first time she's looked at the world beyond six inches in front of her face.

Quote #8

COMPUTER: "Captain, Probe One has returned positive."

CAPTAIN: "But no probe's ever come back positive before."

While we're not sure how many probes have been sent down to Earth, it's amazing that they keep persisting despite 700 years of failure. The real question though is, why keep exploring if Directive A113 doesn't want them to return? Why not shut down the probes altogether?

Quote #9

CAPTAIN: "Define "hoedown."

COMPUTER: "Hoedown: a social gathering in which lively dancing would take place."

The Captain is exploring Earth via computer, like trolling Wikipedia for facts about an unknown planet. What he finds sounds like a lot of fun, and makes him want to return to Earth.