Passivity Quotes in Warm Bodies

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'm growing tired of easy things. (1.10.153)

That's the thing about easy: it's relaxing at first, but then it becomes boring. Warm Bodies shows us that too much "easy" can actually be deadly. That's why our vacations are never permanent.

Quote #8

"No one in this place really looks at each other anyway." (2.3.87)

Nora's description of the stadium shows us that no one is actively trying to maintain a community. They're passively retreating into their own little worlds. Sounds a lot like R's airport community of zombies, just with more attached body parts.

Quote #9

"I'm wanting it. I'm making myself care." (2.5.90)

R has to make himself care. Do you think caring requires effort? Is passivity a default setting that we have to fight against?