The Westing Game Chapter 15 Summary

Fact And Gossip

  • By that Friday, everyone's going about business at usual. Turtle, Theo, and Doug go to school; the coffee shop is busy and the Chinese restaurant empty; Judge Ford's back in court and Sandy's manning the front door; Flora takes Turtle to and from school.
  • Turtle and Flora are worried about their stocks; they're down $3,000. Turtle's confident in their stock choices, because she thinks Westing picked them, but Flora's not—she hasn't said anything about Chris's clue, "plain," but it doesn't match any stocks.
  • Later Turtle, Sandy, Doug, Theo, and Otis stand in the driveway looking at the Westing house. Turtle says the dead body she saw didn't look murdered—it looked at peace.
  • They theorize about what kinds of ways the murder could've happened—bee stings, poison, icicles, etc. Doug says maybe a doctor did it, which angers Turtle.
  • Doug says there was a mysterious person in the parking lot wearing red boots (Turtle's), calls her "Tabitha-Ruth," and pulls her hair before running inside. Sandy keeps her from going after him and kicking him.
  • Otis leaves, after saying Westing wasn't murdered, just crazy—that none of them are murderers.
  • Theo asks Sandy if anyone else left Sunset Towers on the night of the murder. Sandy says the only people he remembers doing that are Crow and Otis. Theo goes to check his clues.
  • Turtle asks Sandy to take her mind off the stock market and tell her another story.
  • Meanwhile, Jake goes to eat at Shin Hoo's, where he sees Grace for the first time in a while. He asks her why there are so many presents in their apartment.
  • Grace says they're for Angela's wedding shower the next day.
  • Mr. Hoo brings Jake's food and sits with them. Grace asks Jake for his opinion on the marketing campaign she wants to do for Mr. Hoo. She wants to call the restaurant "Hoo's on First." Jake thinks it's silly, and Hoo thinks it doesn't make any sense. When Jake says it sounds like a fine name, Mr. Hoo takes his food away.
  • The judge and Sandy start meeting to talk about their clue research. When Theo delivers their dinner one night, he asks Sandy if he knows how to play chess. Sandy says no.
  • The two decide to focus on the Westing family. There's no information on Mrs. Westing before she was Mrs. Westing. She's out of focus in all the pictures and it's hard to tell what she looks like.
  • Sandy says Mr. Hoo and Flora never met Mrs. Westing—Flora only met Violet and Violet's fiancé. He says he's the only one who knew her.
  • Sandy says Mrs. Westing was blonde with a full mouth. Judge Ford remembers a redhead with a thin mouth, then tells herself it was a long time ago.
  • They research Westing's daughter. She was engaged to a senator, but went out with George. She does look like Angela.
  • Sandy says that it's weird Angela looks like Violet and Theo looks like George, since Violet really wanted to marry George but couldn't.
  • When Judge Ford asks Sandy if Angela and Theo are involved, Sandy says no—then adds if events were repeating themselves, it would mean Angela would die too.