The Westing Game Chapter 9 Summary

Lost And Found

  • Sydelle wants her copy of the will returned, so she puts up a small sign in the elevator asking for someone to return some lost papers. The narrator tells us that Sydelle never gets it back, but lots of other people start posting signs in the elevator.
  • The signs say that Grace will offer a reward for her lost cross; that anyone who wants to share clues should meet in the coffee shop; that someone stole Turtle's Mickey Mouse clock; that people should go to the Hoos' restaurant; that Flora lost a pearl necklace; that six more "clues" have been found, saying Turtle's a brat; that Judge Ford's having a party that night; and that Turtle should be home by 7:30.
  • When Turtle gets home, though, her mother's not there. She went home based on Flora's advice, although she doesn't agree with Flora that she should show her mother their clues if Grace asks.
  • Turtle thinks Flora's softhearted, and has taken the lead on their stock market adventure. She thinks that she'll be proven right at the next reading of the will.
  • Grace comes in and acts nice to Turtle, even braiding her hair. Turtle remembers that she kicked Theo's shin, because she thought he wrote that sign in the elevator—but it was actually Doug.
  • Grace tells Turtle she looks pretty and asks her about the clues. Turtle has hurt feelings and refuses.
  • When Angela and Sydelle join them, Grace notices Angela's not wearing her engagement ring. Angela says she has a rash.
  • Sydelle, who's dressed in black and white, comments on how small Turtle's room is.
  • Grace says they should all get ready, and mentions that Mr. Hoo will be catering the party.
  • Sydelle says she and Angela will be going to the party together; they'll be dressed as twins to see if they spook anyone about a new clue.
  • Grace reminds Sydelle about showing her the copy of the will again, and Sydelle is annoyed; Grace says if she wins, she'll give Angela the money. This upsets Turtle, who storms out.
  • Meanwhile, downstairs, Theo's tending bar for Judge Ford at her party. She receives a call back from the newspaper that tells her about her research. She learns that Angela and Dr. Deere are engaged, and then is interrupted by Mr. Hoo, who comes in with some appetizers.
  • The newspaperman tells her that an inventor named James Hoo sued Sam Westing over the disposable paper diaper.
  • Judge Ford asks Mr. Hoo to come to the party, with his wife.
  • The newspaperman says the only other information is on Doug Hoo, with all his sports medals.
  • The first guest arrives for the party.