The Westing Game Chapter 27 Summary

A Happy Fourth

  • Otis welcomes Crow, who says she was declared innocent. Angela smiles at her.
  • Plum explains it was a mistake, and that Sandy died of a heart attack. He says he's resigning, and Judge Ford asks him for the last part of the will.
  • The will ends with three parts. Part seventeen says goodbye, and that he liked being the doorman. Part eighteen says he gives everyone equal parts of Sunset Towers, and the $30,000 left over from playing the game. Part nineteen says happy birthday to Crow and happy Fourth of July again.
  • There's no mention of the two hundred million, so Judge Ford thinks that means they lost the game.
  • Turtle thinks that she'd better hurry, and that the timed candle's almost out.
  • Other heirs grumble and Flora scolds them, saying everyone's $10,000 richer than they were before, plus they all own part of Sunset Towers.
  • They're interrupted by a series of booms, as fireworks go off over the Westing house, which catches on fire and burns.
  • Late that evening, Turtle goes to get her prize. She thinks, again, that, "The heir who wins the windfall will be the one who finds the fourth" (27.35), connecting the directions (north, south, west) in Westing's aliases, and heads for an address on Sunrise Lane.
  • She arrives at the home of the Westing Paper Products Corp. chairman, and meets Dr. Sikes. She tells him she's there to see Mr. Eastman, and he sends her inside.
  • When she gets to the library, she sees Julian Eastman, who limps towards her. He has blue eyes and a smile.
  • Turtle says, "Hi, Sandy," and tells him she's won the game.